Cigarette Box Conversions to Music Boxes
11th June 2022
This is a project that is in progress so please revisit this page if you're interested in seeing the end results.
You can see a pair of similar boxes that were a commission. Click here
This is a project that is in progress so please revisit this page if you're interested in seeing the end results.
You can see a pair of similar boxes that were a commission. Click here
Simple Oak & Mahogany two section cigarette boxes are ideal for converting into a music box with a trinket section and covered movement. So here is my collection of boxes - all similar size except for the little one.
I've chosen six boxes to convert initially. Each will be dismantled, repaired and sanded back to bare wood.
The photos below show this process for one box.
The photos below show this process for one box.
If you want to try this process yourself here is a list of the components and materials you will need.
One second hand cigarette box
Marquetry inlay (optional)
18 note musical movement & fixing screws. I prefer to use Reuge movements for quality. You can use a larger movement if available.
Four 12mm dia wooden beads for feet with suitable brass screws
Velour lining paper in your choice of colour
2mm polycarbonate sheet for protective lid over movement
Four pieces of 5mm square wood to support lid and four small brass screws to secure it
Clear acrylic varnish or shellac polish
Tools and consumables (box only) For information on servicing a small movement see The Workshop
Sturdy bench or worktable
Selection of small screwdrivers
Sandpaper of various grits. I prefer to use silicon carbide 400 grit paper for final finish prior to varnish or polish
A power sander is useful but not essential. A sanding block is essential.
Hide glue for fixing any damaged joints and the inlay
Selection of clamps
0000 gauge steel wool
Mini drill - can be simple hand held
Assortment of HSS drill bits
Small carpenter's set square
Steel ruler
Sharp saw for cutting polycarbonate
Acrylic varnish (water based)
Mylands Shellac polish (optional)
Small paintbrushes
Methylated Spirit if using shellac polish
Options for Inlay
Router for cutting shallow hole in the lid for the optional inlay
Pair of compasses or circular cutter if using a circular inlay
Click here to see a page of movements and interior lining options.
One second hand cigarette box
Marquetry inlay (optional)
18 note musical movement & fixing screws. I prefer to use Reuge movements for quality. You can use a larger movement if available.
Four 12mm dia wooden beads for feet with suitable brass screws
Velour lining paper in your choice of colour
2mm polycarbonate sheet for protective lid over movement
Four pieces of 5mm square wood to support lid and four small brass screws to secure it
Clear acrylic varnish or shellac polish
Tools and consumables (box only) For information on servicing a small movement see The Workshop
Sturdy bench or worktable
Selection of small screwdrivers
Sandpaper of various grits. I prefer to use silicon carbide 400 grit paper for final finish prior to varnish or polish
A power sander is useful but not essential. A sanding block is essential.
Hide glue for fixing any damaged joints and the inlay
Selection of clamps
0000 gauge steel wool
Mini drill - can be simple hand held
Assortment of HSS drill bits
Small carpenter's set square
Steel ruler
Sharp saw for cutting polycarbonate
Acrylic varnish (water based)
Mylands Shellac polish (optional)
Small paintbrushes
Methylated Spirit if using shellac polish
Options for Inlay
Router for cutting shallow hole in the lid for the optional inlay
Pair of compasses or circular cutter if using a circular inlay
Click here to see a page of movements and interior lining options.
This is the smaller cigarette box fitted with a Thorens two tune per turn movement that has been serviced and cleaned. It also has an on/off slider with auto stop between tunes. A friend asked me to complete this to her specifications, so here it is.