Amersham Scorer BagatelleThis vintage bagatelle has languished in a shed for 20 or more years.
The pins were very badly rusted and many were bent. The edging was falling off, again due to rusty pins - surprisingly it was not glued on. The surface has suffered from damp. but the plywood has not delaminated. One support leg was missing. On the upside, all the balls are present, although rusted, the sprung trigger is in good condition and the scoreboard, which covers to ball channel when not in use, is in very good condition and just requires a clean. The plan is to remove all the pins and strip the board back to bare wood. Remove the edging and trigger mechanism. Clean the brass cups, rub down the wood and fill any larger holes. The issue with this is that all the number decals will be lost, but I have a cunning plan to get it looking something like this, or actually, like THIS! |
First images of the damage and starting to remove the pins
Stripping the board down in order to clean it
Cleaning up the brass cups with a Dremel and brass wire brush
Trigger and scoreboard cleaned up.
Board sanded, holes filled and sanded again. Single leg removed and replaced with a bar.
First coats of polish, numbers punched and painted gold, new pins, scoreboard reattached. Looking great.